50 Easy Frugal Living Tips To Save Money In 2024

Frugal living essentials: DIY, budgeting, and smart saving tips for a minimalist and cost-effective lifestyle.

Here are 50 frugal living tips you can start applying today to save more money without cutting back on the things that matter most to you.

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Best Frugal Living Tips to Save Money Effortlessly

Saving money doesn’t mean making massive sacrifices. It’s about making small, consistent changes that add up over time. You don’t have to start with much money to start implementing the best ways to start. 

Articles related to 50 Easy Frugal Living Tips To Save Money In 2024:

1. The 101 Rule

This rule, inspired by a Chinese principle, suggests you live on as little as possible.

For example, if you earn $100, try living on $10.

While you may not achieve that exact ratio, the idea is to save as much as possible.

2. Save One Income, Spend the Other

An easy way to save if you have two sources of income (like a day job and a side hustle), live off one and save the other.

This is a great way to build up savings faster.

3. Use Gas Buddy

Gas prices fluctuate a lot.

Using Gas Buddy (an app that finds the cheapest gas near you) can help you avoid overpaying at the pump.

It’s a small adjustment, but definitely adds up in the long run.

4. Capital One Shopping & Honey

Whenever you shop online, use coupons Capital One Shopping or Honey to automatically find discount codes.

These tools do the work for you and save you cash every time you buy something online.

5. Join a Buy Nothing Group

Many communities have local Buy Nothing groups, where neighbors exchange items for free.

It’s a great place eco-friendly and cost-effective way to get household items or services.

6. Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies

Mix vinegar and water for a simple, cheap, and natural all-purpose cleaner.

It’s better for you, the environment, and your wallet.

7. Repair, Don’t Replace

Use your clothes, gadgets, and household items until they’re truly worn out.

Repairing instead of replacing saves a lot of money in the long run.

8. Negotiate Bills

It never hurts to ask. Call your service providers (like your insurance or phone company) and ask for a better deal.

You could save hundreds just by switching or negotiating.

9. Switch Your Phone Plan

Many people overpay for their phone plans.

Switch to a more affordable cell phone provider, like Helium Mobile, where you get unlimited data for $20 a month.

10. Set Up Automatic Savings

Set up an automatic transfer to move money from your paycheck into savings accounts or investments each month.

This is one of the easiest ways to make sure you’re saving without thinking about it. 

I personally use Monzo online bank account to automate my savings each month. They also make it incredibly easy to set up an emergency fund. 

11. Don’t Shop Hungry

Shopping while hungry leads to impulse purchases, especially on snacks and junk food.

Eat before you shop to avoid unnecessary purchases and larger grocery bill.

12. Buy Generic Over Name Brands

Many name-brand products are priced higher despite being nearly identical to their generic counterparts.

Do a blind taste test with products like sauces or cereals—you may find the cheaper version is just as good.

13. Always Carry a Water Bottle

Buying bottled water is expensive over time.

By carrying reusable water bottles, you can stay hydrated and save money.

14. Skip the Drinks at Restaurants

Restaurant drinks, like sodas, cocktails, or even coffee, have huge markups.

Opt for water, or skip drinks altogether when dining out to save.

15. Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism encourages focusing on what truly adds value to your life.

It helps you avoid buying unnecessary items that don’t contribute to your happiness.

16. The 7-Day Rule for Purchases

Before buying anything, leave it in your cart or write it down for at least 7 days.

Chances are, you’ll forget about it and realize you didn’t need it.

17. Try a “No-Buy” Month

Challenge yourself with a “no-buy” month, where you only spend on essentials like groceries and rent.

This helps break bad spending habits and is one of the best creative ways that saves you money.

18. Conduct a Life Audit

A lot of people regularly assess whether their purchases align with the life they want to lead.

Do your spending habits match your financial goals and values?

19. Track Your Spending

Frugal habits like keeping a detailed log of your spending helps you identify where your money is going.

Not only this, it also highlights areas to cut back on spending habits.

20. Avoid Fees

ATM fees, overdraft fees, and late fees add up quickly.

Be mindful of these charges and aim to avoid them whenever possible

21. Cancel Unused Subscriptions

Another great way to save is to review your subscriptions regularly.

Cancel any services you’re not actively using to free up more money.

For example these could be streaming services or gym memberships.

22. Stay Healthy to Avoid Medical Bills

Maintaining good health through exercise and a balanced diet can prevent costly medical bills in the future.

Take care of yourself now to save in the long term.

23. Downsize Your Home

If your current living situation feels too expensive, consider downsizing to a small house.

Smaller homes or apartments often come with lower rent or mortgage payments and utility costs.

24. Try House Hacking

Consider buying a home with multiple units or renting out part of your space.

By renting out extra rooms, you can offset mortgage costs.

25. Pay Your Mortgage Twice a Month

If you have a mortgage, try making half-payments twice a month instead of once a month.

This can reduce the overall interest you pay over time.

26. Eat Before You Shop

Shopping on an empty stomach leads to impulse buys, especially junk food.

Have a meal or snack before hitting the grocery store.

27. Invest in Quality, Not Quantity

Spending more upfront on high-quality items can save you money in the long run.

These items tend to last longer, reducing replacement costs.

28. DIY Repairs

Before throwing something away, try repairing it.

YouTube tutorials and online guides can help you fix appliances, clothing, and more.

29. Avoid Debt Traps

Credit card interest adds up quickly.

Try to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of debt.

30. Use Cash for Budgeting

Using physical cash can help you stick to a budget.

Withdraw a set amount each month and only spend that money. It creates a more tangible awareness of your spending.

31. Learn to Cook

Eating out is expensive.

Cooking at home is cheaper, healthier, and often more enjoyable. Learn simple, budget-friendly recipes to keep dining costs low.

32. Make Coffee at Home

Skip the daily coffee runs by making your own brew at home.

It’s a small change that can save hundreds over time.

33. Buy Used Whenever Possible

Whether it’s clothes, furniture, or electronics, buying second-hand can save you a significant amount of money.

Check out thrift stores, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace for deals.

34. Automate Your Bills

Set up automatic payments to avoid late fees.

This ensures you never miss a payment while maintaining good financial health.

35. Utilize Public Transportation

Owning a car is costly when you factor in gas, insurance, and maintenance.

When possible, use public transportation, walk, or bike to save on transportation costs.

36. Keep Up with Car Maintenance

Regular maintenance, like oil changes and tire rotations, helps you avoid more costly repairs down the line.

Taking care of your car will extend its life and keep your expenses lower in the long run.

37. Pack Your Lunch

Bringing your lunch to work is a simple way to save hundreds of dollars each year.

Meal prepping can help you plan for the week and avoid the temptation of eating out.

38. Borrow Instead of Buy

Need a tool for a one-time project?

Instead of buying, ask a friend or neighbor to borrow it. Libraries often offer more than just books, like tools or equipment.

39. Shop Off-Season

Buy items like clothes, decor, and sports gear at the end of the season when prices are lower.

For example, buy winter clothes in summer and summer gear in winter.

40. Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances might cost more upfront, but they save on electricity and water bills over time.

Look for the Energy Star label when shopping for appliances.

41. Try a Staycation

Instead of spending on an expensive vacation, explore your local area or enjoy a relaxing staycation at home.

It can be just as refreshing and costs far less.

42. Buy in Bulk

For non-perishable items like toilet paper, rice, or canned goods, buying in bulk can save you money in the long run.

Just make sure you have enough storage space!

43. Cut Cable

Streaming services like Netflix or Hulu often offer cheaper alternatives to traditional cable TV.

Cut the cord and switch to a more affordable option.

44. Turn Off Lights

This simple habit helps lower your electricity bill.

Whenever you leave a room, turn off the lights to save on energy costs.

45. Utilize Free Entertainment

Instead of spending money on movies or events, look for free entertainment options like parks, beaches, or community events.

Many cities offer free festivals or concerts throughout the year.

46. Set a “Fun” Budget

Allocate a certain amount each month for entertainment, dining out, or treats.

Setting boundaries ensures you enjoy yourself without overspending.

47. Consider Solar Panels

While solar panels are a large investment upfront, they can significantly reduce your energy bills over time.

Check for government incentives to offset the initial cost.

48. Plan Your Meals

Meal planning ensures you buy only what you need, reducing both food waste and unnecessary spending at the grocery store.

This helps you stick to your budget and keeps you from buying impulsively.

49. Buy Discounted Gift Cards

Websites like Raise and CardCash offer discounted gift cards for retailers.

Use these to shop at your favorite stores and save extra cash on your purchases.

50. Learn a New Skill

Investing time in learning a new, marketable skill (like coding, graphic design, or writing) can lead to higher-paying job opportunities or side hustles.

Focusing on earning more will often provide greater financial freedom than purely cutting costs.

There you have it—50 simple frugal living tips to save money without drastically changing your lifestyle.

By implementing just a few of these tips, you can build your savings and have more financial flexibility over time!

In conclusion, mastering frugal living isn’t just about cutting costs—it’s about making intentional, mindful spending decisions that enhance your quality of life. 

By avoiding impulse purchases and embracing strategies like DIY home repairsmeal prepping, and buying secondhand, you can significantly reduce your expenses. 

It’s essential to prioritize quality over quantity when making purchases, ensuring you get the most value out of the things you use every day.

Practicing minimalism and being more selective with your spending can lead to a more fulfilling, less cluttered lifestyle. Implementing changes like house hacking to reduce housing costs or being smart about where you shop can make a big difference in your long-term savings. 

The key is to invest in items that last, cut back where you can, and always assess the cost per use of the things you buy.

Ultimately, living frugally allows you to spend money on what truly matters to you, whether that’s travel, personal growth, or creating memories with loved ones. 

With a bit of planning and commitment, anyone can embrace a frugal mindset and enjoy the benefits of financial freedom.

The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. Any actions taken based on this information are at the reader’s own risk. It is advisable to consult with relevant professionals or advisors for personalised advice.

Harvey Davies

Harvey Davies

Total posts created: 40
Hi, I’m Harvey—a law school graduate and marketing coordinator with a passion for personal finance. I created The World Is Yours to share my journey of building extra income streams, saving smarter, and investing wisely. My goal is to provide practical tips and inspiration to help you achieve financial freedom, so you can live life on your own terms.