10 Simple Rules To Never Be Broke Again

An open wallet with minimal cash, symbolizing the struggle with finances and the importance of following key rules to never be broke.

When I was at university, I learned the hard way that without following a few essential rules to never be broke, managing money can be tough.

Trust me—I’ve been there.

Between tuition, rent, and trying to cover basic expenses, my bank account always seemed to be on the verge of empty.

But after a while, I started putting these easy, key strategies into practice.

These weren’t drastic changes, but they made a huge difference.

Over time, they allowed me to save up enough money to travel after graduation—a dream I never thought I could afford.

Now, let’s get straight into the 10 strategies that helped me go from barely saving anything to building financial security.

These tips don’t require a financial advisor or a lucky break.

They’re simple, practical, and most importantly—they work.

So whether you’re facing unexpected expenses or just trying to build up your net worth, these strategies will give you a solid foundation.

Let’s dive into these financial rules and get you on the path to never being broke again!

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10 Proven Rules to Save Money and Never Be Broke Again


  1. Plan for Emergencies
  2. Trick Yourself into Saving and Investing
  3. Simplify Your Finances
  4. Make Investing Simple
  5. Make Yourself Valuable
  6. Avoid Bad Debt
  7. Harness the Power of Compound Interest
  8. Build Multiple Streams of Income
  9. The Golden Law: Avoid Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
  10. Stay Consistent and Patient

Articles related to 10 Simple Rules To Never Be Broke Again:

1. Plan for Emergencies

Importance of an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is a cornerstone of good financial habits. It provides a safety net when unexpected expenses arise, giving you peace of mind and financial security.

Start with a small goal, like $1,000. Gradually build it up to cover 3-6 months of living expenses.

This fund should be kept in a high-interest savings account with high interest rates. And, ideally, you should forget it exists until you truly need it.

How an Emergency Fund Can Save Your Finances

Life is unpredictable. Whether it’s a sudden medical expense or a car repair, having an emergency fund means you won’t have to dip into savings meant for other financial goals or rack up credit card debt.

2. Trick Yourself into Saving and Investing

Self-Discipline Isn’t Always Enough

Maintaining self-discipline can be challenging. But, I can assure you that continuous exposure to financial education through books, podcasts, and videos can help you stay motivated.

This rule is key to never be broke again. (I’m currently reading Think and Grow Rich and would definitely recommend it to anyone thinking of starting a side hustle.)

Set specific financial goals and hold yourself accountable. Consider automating your savings and investments. Set up automatic transfers from your bank account into a savings account or investment fund.

This way, you trick yourself into saving more consistently.

3. Simplify Your Finances

Automate Bills and Savings

One effective way to manage your finances is to automate your bills and savings. Automate payments to avoid late fees and missed opportunities.

A good idea is to pay yourself first by setting up automatic deductions from each paycheck into your savings.

For practical advice on this, I recommend the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. It emphasizes the importance of paying yourself first, each payday.

Transfer money into your savings or investments before spending on luxuries. This will drastically reduce your spending habits in the long term. 

Keep Investing Simple

Stick to tried-and-true strategies like index funds, mutual funds and real estate. Simplify your investments and avoid the temptation to pick individual stocks.

Keeping your investments simple can help you stay on track with your financial goals.

4. Make Investing Simple

Invest in What You Understand

Understanding what you invest in is crucial for your financial goals. For comprehensive advice on this, check out Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing. This book can help you grasp the basics and make informed investment decisions.

Focus on index funds and real estate for long-term growth. I had a tough time figuring out what to invest in but found simplicity often leads to better results than complex strategies.

5. Make Yourself Valuable

Acquiring Skills for Increased Earning Potential

Acquiring high-income skills can significantly impact your financial situation. In 2024, skills like content creation, video editing, and copywriting are in high demand.

Investing time in learning these skills can increase your earning potential and ensure long-term financial security to never be broke.

Examples of High-Income Skills

Jobs that change people’s lives or add significant value often bring higher pay. Spend your free time learning valuable skills that can boost your career and financial prospects.

6. Avoid Bad Debt

The Dangers of High-Interest Debt

High-interest debt, such as credit card debt, student loans, and car payments, can be detrimental to your financial health.

While some debt can be beneficial (e.g., real estate investments), consumer debt often keeps people broke.

7. Harness the Power of Compound Interest

Investing Early for Massive Growth

Investing early can lead to substantial financial growth over time. Even small investments can grow exponentially by the time you retire.

Use financial calculators to understand the long-term impact of your decisions. Harnessing the power of compound interest can dramatically enhance your net worth.

8. Build Multiple Streams of Income

Adding Financial Security

Having multiple income sources adds financial security.

I currently work a 9-5 job and manage a blog after work and on weekends.

While it’s challenging to fit around my lifestyle, making daily to-do lists and journaling to plan and track progress has been a great help in staying organized.

Benefits of Extra Income

Sacrificing a year or two to work extra jobs or side hustles can pay off long-term. Use additional income to invest and build future wealth.

9. The Golden Law: Avoid Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

Why Chasing Quick Money Schemes Rarely Works

Get-rich-quick schemes are rarely successful. As noted in The Richest Man in Babylon, avoid impossible earnings promises and scam investments. Patience and consistency often yield better results.

10. Stay Consistent and Patient

The Journey to Financial Security

Achieving financial security takes time and effort. Consistency in saving, investing, and building skills will lead to success.

Stay patient and keep working towards your financial goals. The journey may be long, but the rewards are worth it.


As you start your journey to financial security, remember that the rules to never be broke are key to achieving financial freedom.

Following these 10 rules can guide you through the ups and downs of financial planning, helping you manage essential expenses and prepare for unexpected costs.

Building an emergency fund provides a safety net for life’s surprises. Use strategies to trick yourself into saving and investing, stay motivated, and simplify your finances to keep your bank account in check and grow your net worth.

Invest in what you understand and focus on high-income skills like content creation and video editing to boost your earnings. Avoid bad debt, leverage compound interest, and create multiple income streams to add financial security.

While the path to real wealth may take time, staying consistent and patient with your financial habits will pay off. These strategies will help you get a better understanding of your financial situation and build a strong foundation for the future.

For more tips on managing your money and achieving financial freedom, join my mailing list. The sign-up link is just below.

Stay informed, stay motivated, and take charge of your financial future today!

The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. Any actions taken based on this information are at the reader’s own risk. It is advisable to consult with relevant professionals or advisors for personalised advice.

Harvey Davies

Harvey Davies

Total posts created: 37
Hi, I’m Harvey—a law school graduate and marketing coordinator with a passion for personal finance. I created The World Is Yours to share my journey of building extra income streams, saving smarter, and investing wisely. My goal is to provide practical tips and inspiration to help you achieve financial freedom, so you can live life on your own terms.

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