10 Minimalist Rules That Changed My Life and Saved Me Money

How Being minimalistic saved me a ton of money

Are you feeling stuck and unmotivated?

This was once a frequent occurrence for me, and I often resorted to drastic measures like 30-day challenges to find a way out.

However, over the past few years, I’ve adopted some simple, minimalist rules that have not only improved my daily life but also saved me money. Here are the top 10 minimalist rules that transformed my life and helped me save, and I hope they can do the same for you.

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1. The House on Fire Rule

Imagine for a second if all your storage, closet, or attic items suddenly disappeared—would you miss them?

This thought experiment helped me realise that much of what I owned was unnecessary. By decluttering and keeping only what truly mattered, I found mental clarity and avoided the cost of replacing items I didn’t need.

2. The 2020 Rule

Rule number two inspired by The Minimalists, states that if you can replace an item for $20 or less and within 20 minutes, let it go.

This approach helped me eliminate “just in case” items, reducing clutter and preventing unnecessary purchases.

3. The Box Rule

If you’re unsure about certain items, put them in a box and store it away with a reminder to revisit it in six months.

If you haven’t needed anything from the box by then, it’s likely you don’t need those items at all. This method helps with gradual decluttering and saves money on storage solutions and replacements.

4. The Two-Day Rule

To maintain new habits, allow yourself to miss a day but never two in a row. This rule kept me consistent with reading and exercising, reducing wasted money on books I don’t read and gym memberships I don’t use.

I personally loved reading ‘Atomic Habits‘ by James Clear. It transformed my life by helping me create positive habits, eliminate bad ones, and apply minimalist principles to save me money.

5. The Investing Rule

Instead of spending money on material items, I invest in experiences. While things can clutter your space and add stress, experiences enrich your life and create lasting memories.

I also now gift experiences rather than objects, leading to more meaningful spending.

6. The Home Rule

Everything in your home should have a designated place. If something doesn’t have a spot, consider getting rid of it.

This rule helped me stop losing items like my wallet and keys, saving me the cost and hassle of replacements.

7. The Other People Rule

Many purchases are influenced by the desire to impress others. By focusing on my needs rather than what others might think, I saved money on unnecessary items.

For example, I shared a laptop with my partner until I truly needed my own, avoiding an unnecessary expense.

8. The 90% Rule

Only buy something if you rate it 90 or above out of 100.

This ensures that every item you own is something you truly love and use frequently. This rule reduced my impulse buys and saved money, as I no longer settled for items that were just “okay.”

9. The Two-Minute Rule

If a task takes two minutes or less, do it immediately.

This includes small chores like putting away dishes or tidying up. By handling these tasks promptly, I avoided letting them pile up, saving money on professional cleaning services.

10. The Nightly Reset

Every night, I prepare for the next day by tidying up, setting out my clothes, and prepping my morning routine. A rule I learned from Atomic Habits is to actually write down your to do list or morning routine. So I bought a whiteboard and put it in my kitchen so I could clearly see my tasks with a set time and place.

This nightly practice sets me up for a stress-free, productive morning and helps me avoid costly last-minute purchases or services.

10 Minimalist Rules That Saved Me $10,000

These ten minimalist rules have significantly improved my life and saved me money.

If you’re looking to simplify and enhance your daily living, try adopting these minimalist principles. For more tips on minimalist living and saving money, don’t forget to check out my other posts:

The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. Any actions taken based on this information are at the reader’s own risk. It is advisable to consult with relevant professionals or advisors for personalised advice.

Harvey Davies

Harvey Davies

Total posts created: 40
Hi, I’m Harvey—a law school graduate and marketing coordinator with a passion for personal finance. I created The World Is Yours to share my journey of building extra income streams, saving smarter, and investing wisely. My goal is to provide practical tips and inspiration to help you achieve financial freedom, so you can live life on your own terms.